Nakties Padangeje - Waltz (Beneath the Night Sky) | Vanda! displays even
more versatility on the third of her unbelievable albums.
Sutemu Garsai (The Sounds of Twilight) includes three
songs, Svajone, Rymau Po Berzais, and Apkabink Mane which
credit lyrics to Vanda Stankus (Panavaite), reprising the
unique reverse order of her married and maiden names.
Also here is Vanda's inimitable take on Glowworm,
translated into Lithuanian as "Joniniu Vabalelis,"
and a reworking of Never on Sunday as "Tik Nezinau."
Once more, Vanda performs a collection of dance music. But do not be misled: beneath the surface, these are songs of longing, of loss. Clearly, it is only thrugh deep personal suffering that Vanda has acquired the depth of feeling and interpretation that transports these often simple melodies to an entirely different dimesion. Again Vanda is accompanied by the Bobby Christian Orchestra and Trio. As always, she offers suggestions for appropriate dances. "Sutemu Garsai" was released on the Aidas Records label in Chicago, pressed and recorded by RCA Custom Records. CLOSE THIS WINDOW TO RETURN TO THE VANDA! TREASURY HOME PAGE YOU PROBABLY WANT TO VIEW THIS ALBUM COVER IN A BETTER-QUALITY FORMAT - PERHAPS TO PRINT OUT AND FRAME? TO OPEN A HIGH-RESOLUTION FULL-COLOR IMAGE IN A NEW WINDOW, JUST CLICK HERE! |
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Svajone - Rumba (Daydream) | ||
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Joniniu Vabalelis - Cha Cha (Glowworm) | ||
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Nuostabi Naktis - Foxtrot (Wonderful Night) | ||
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Orchidejos Menesienoje - Tango (Orchids in the Moonlight) | ||
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Rymau Po Berzais - English Waltz (Beneath the Birch Trees) | ||
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Apkabink Mane - Tango (Embrace Me) | ||
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Tik Nezinau - Cha Cha (I Just Don't Know) | ||
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Sviesiam Take Menulio - Tango (In the Moonlight) | ||
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Kas Is To - Polka (So What) | ||
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